
It is common for our users to have assigned roles that they do not use (1). Our solution, CentinelBox, addresses this issue in the following way: 1. Identification: We use the report of unused roles by user accounts. It is simple and allows defining a time horizon parametrically, reviewing the last 24 months, 48 months, […]

Septiembre 12, 2023

An effective solution to eliminate unused roles and optimize user assignments

An effective solution to eliminate unused roles and optimize user assignments

What should I control? What are the critical variables in SAP security that I should monitor? For executives and CISOs, a red alert is a first level to act upon. As we presented in the previous email, CentinelBox provides reports with color identification in cases where action is required… without the need for a deep […]

Mayo 31, 2023

SAP Security: Controlling Critical Variables

This is a great question that we get more often than you expect.  Let’s see the different roles that own CentinelBox depending on the size and nature of the company. For most of our clients, finance owns CentinelBox, mainly when there is a thin line between finance and audit/compliance or when systems are more cloud-based […]

Enero 19, 2023

Who should be the owner of CentinelBox?

Zapatero a sus zapatos: cada usuario debe tener el mínimo privilegio; esto no es sólo en SAP y  de esto nos preocupamos nosotros. El misterio que guardan las grandes empresas en su organización y control de funciones no está fuera de nuestras manos. CentinelBox descifra esta poderosa herramienta para entregar a los usuarios lo justo […]

Agosto 16, 2019

Segregación y ajuste de roles

La reciente información que entregara la prensa del espionaje informático del que habría sido víctima una organización gremial de nuestro país revive una constante de la que no siempre se tiene registro en el recuerdo inmediato. Al “googlear” la frase espionaje informático chile, se presentan de inmediato casos además del ya citado, como los siguientes: […]

Febrero 21, 2019

Espionaje Informático